
Master of Divinity in UCC Studies

United is one of six seminaries recognized by the UCC General Synod for its special commitment to the United Church of Christ (UCC).

The MDiv in UCC Studies Degree program will prepare you—in collaboration with your Committee on Ministry and local church—for pastoral ministry and ordination as an Authorized Minister in the UCC. The program has been designed in collaboration with the Minnesota Conference Committee on Ministry but should be generally applicable to other regional Committees on Ministry within the national UCC, though you should confirm this with your authorizing bodies.

This program may be a good fit for you if you are interested in ordained ministry in the UCC, including but not limited to the following roles:

  • Congregational pastor
  • Chaplain in a hospital or other professional setting (with the addition of chaplaincy certification)
  • Validated ministry in educational institutions
  • UCC denominational work at the local, regional, national or international level



Concentration Learning Outcomes

In addition to achieving the core MDiv degree learning outcomes, a graduate of the UCC Studies program will be able to:

  • conduct a personal theological interpretation of a selected biblical text that demonstrates understanding of the influence of their own situatedness on that interpretation and that engages the situatedness of contemporary readers from a context different from their own;
  • demonstrate skills for effective, professional, ethical, and compassionate pastoral and spiritual care to a diversity of persons;
  • construct and deliver a faith formation curriculum that arises from, and addresses the needs of specific populations/issues within ministry contexts and is based on solid theological and religious understanding;
  • creatively and effectively construct liturgy and lead worship in one’s religious and denominational context;
  • craft and deliver a sermon or public address that demonstrates effective speaking form/style and content based on a selected context;
  • achieve their self-defined practice of ministry goals that are appropriately based on the requirements of their denomination or other vocational path;
  • engage critically and constructively with the history, polity and ecclesiology of the United Church of Christ and its varied ministry settings by reflecting on the central tenet of covenantal polity as practiced in the church;
  • see their own role as a leader and teacher in the mission and ministry of the UCC through engaging in a Position Paper that connects our history, theology and polity to a current issue/movement faced in a ministry setting;
  • prepare themselves for ordination or transfer of standing in the United Church of Christ; and
  • achieve their self-defined practice of ministry goals that are appropriately based on the requirements of their denomination.


United’s MDiv at a Glance

  • 72 credits
  • Twenty-four 3-credit courses, including two field experiences
  • A final thesis or project is not required, but you can choose to complete a thesis as an elective course
  • Can be completed in approximately three years if you take a full-time course load of 9 credits per trimester
  • Most MDiv concentrations, including UCC Studies, can be completed entirely via distance learning; many courses can be taken completely asynchronously

Completion of the United UCC Studies MDiv does not in itself fulfill the requirements of ordination. Contact the Committee on Ministry and/or your local ordaining church to determine any additional requirements.


Program Course Guide Sheet for Academic Year 2024–2025

Religious Texts 4
Introduction to Religious Texts
Hebrew Bible
New Testament
Biblical Exegesis
Theology and Religion 4
Invitation to Theology: Truth, Goodness, and Beauty
History of Christian Theologies
History of Modern Theologies
Constructive Theology
Ethics and Justice 2
Christian Ethics
Choose one:
Queer and Trans Theologies
Black and Womanist Theologies
Formation 2
Introduction to Spiritual and Personal Formation
Organizational Leadership and Administration
Cultural Contextualization 1
Choose one:
Global Christianities & Intra-religious Diversity
World Religions
Arts and Theology 1
Choose one:
History of Arts and Theology
Art, Religion, and Contemporary Culture
Social Transformation 1 Leadership and Strategies for Social Change
Integration 1 MDiv Capstone Seminar
Vocational Contextualization & Skills 8
Introduction to Pastoral and Spiritual Care
Preaching and Your Public Voice
Worship of the Church
Faith Formation
UCC History, Theology and Polity
One elective course
Contextual Education Internship (2 terms)
CPE Internship (2 terms)


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