
Master of Divinity in Religion and Theology

The MDiv in Religion and Theology program will prepare you for doctoral work in religion and theology (particularly doctoral programs that require the MDiv) or to become a pastor, minister, or religious leader with a ministerial focus on religious or theological education. You will be trained for ordained ministry or other religious leadership positions while being grounded in the academic study of religion and theology.

If you know that you will not be pursuing doctoral or ministerial work that requires a Master of Divinity degree, you may wish to explore the MA in Religion and Theology.

This degree program may be a good fit for you if you plan to pursue ordained ministry as:

  • A professor in a seminary, divinity school or college
  • A teaching pastor or resident theologian whose ministry is focused on the theological life and/or educational programming of a congregation or religious community



Concentration Learning Outcomes

In addition to achieving the core MDiv degree learning outcomes, a graduate of the MDiv in Religion and Theology program will be able to:

  • construct a theory of religion and articulate the ways in which it shapes their religious and theological commitments, as well as their vocational practice or academic study;
  • conduct a personal theological interpretation of a selected biblical text that demonstrates understanding of the influence of their own situatedness on that interpretation and that engages the situatedness of contemporary readers from a context different from their own;
  • critically interpret, analyze and reflect on a selected Christian theological text or perspective in its historical context as well as through the lens of modern questions and challenges;
  • construct and deliver a faith formation curriculum that arises from, and addresses the needs of specific populations/issues within ministry contexts and is based on solid theological and religious understanding;
  • craft and deliver a sermon or public address that demonstrates effective speaking form/style and content based on a selected context; and
  • achieve their self-defined practice of ministry goals that are appropriately based on the requirements of their denomination or other vocational path OR demonstrate skills for effective, professional, ethical, and compassionate pastoral and spiritual care to a diversity of persons.


United’s MDiv at a Glance

  • 72 credits
  • Twenty-four 3-credit courses, including one field experience
  • Final thesis or project not required, but you can choose to complete a thesis as an elective course
  • Can be completed in approximately three years if you take a full-time course load of 9 credits per trimester
  • Most MDiv concentrations, including Religion and Theology, can be completed entirely via distance learning; many courses can be taken completely asynchronously


Program Course Guide Sheet for Academic Year 2024–2025

Religious Texts 4
Introduction to Religious Texts
Two 2000-level Religious Texts courses
Choose one:

Biblical Exegesis
One additional 2000-level Religious Texts course
Theology and Religion 4
Invitation to Theology: Truth, Goodness, and Beauty
History of Christian Theologies
History of Modern Theologies
Constructive Theology
Ethics and Justice 2
Choose one:
Christian Ethics
Comparative Religious Ethics
Choose one:
Queer and Trans Theologies
Black and Womanist Theologies
Formation 2
Introduction to Spiritual and Personal Formation
Choose one:
Organizational Leadership and Administration
Social Enterprise
Cultural Contextualization 1
Choose one:
Global Christianities & Intra-religious Diversity
World Religions
Arts and Theology 1
Choose one:
History of Arts and Theology
Art, Religion, and Contemporary Culture
Social Transformation 1 Leadership and Strategies for Social Change
Integration 1 MDiv Capstone Seminar
Vocational Contextualization & Skills 8
Preaching and Your Public Voice
Faith Formation
What Is Religion?
Two additional Theology and Religion courses
Two elective courses
Choose one:
Contextual Education Internship (2 terms)
CPE Internship (2 terms)*
* Although not specifically required for degree completion, Interreligious Pastoral and Spiritual Care must be completed to be eligible for CPE registration.


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