
Master of Arts in Eco-Justice

The MA in Eco-Justice degree program will provide you with focused academic training in theological and ethical disciplines with a focus on environmental ethics, ecological justice, and eco-theology. Graduates of this program can pursue doctorates in theological ethics with a focus on environmental and ecological issues.

This program may be a good fit if you are interested in pursuing a career as:

  • A scholar or professor in a seminary, divinity school, or college
  • An ethics teacher in a private school, church, or religious community
  • A “public theologian” whose primary audience is society or the wider culture

With additional coursework or training (for example, a dual degree MAL-MA or MDiv-MA), graduates of this program can become leaders of environmental programs, progressive ecological justice think tanks, and other ministries and organizations that involve both environmental social justice and a broader ecological justice for all living things. This program can also be a second degree for MDiv students and graduates who desire to make eco-justice a central component of their church ministry. See the Reduced-Credit Dual Degree page for information on pursuing a reduced-credit MA as a second degree at United.



Concentration Learning Outcomes

In addition to achieving the core MA degree learning outcomes, a graduate of the MA in Eco-Justice program will be able to:

  • accurately and clearly articulate core scientific, economic, and social understandings of ecology;
  • appropriately and respectfully apply knowledge of multiple religious, spiritual and ethical frameworks to situations of ecological justice;
  • effectively articulate a stance on a chosen ecological justice issue that demonstrates a clear understanding of the issue and draws from appropriate scientific and economic perspectives, and religious and/or ethical frameworks;
  • articulate a theological or religious perspective that describes the theological and spiritual basis of ecological justice, engages current scholarship in eco-theology and eco-spirituality, demonstrates an informed understanding of the science of ecology, and addresses climate change and other crises of the Anthropocene; and
  • articulate and analyze effective strategies to address a specific eco-justice issue that demonstrates an informed understanding of appropriate theory and practices.


United’s MA at a Glance

  • 36 credits
  • Eleven 3-credit courses plus a 3-credit thesis, or ten 3-credit courses plus a 6-credit thesis
  • Can be completed within two years if you take a full-time course load of 9 credits per trimester and complete your thesis in one trimester
  • All MA concentrations can be completed entirely via distance learning; many courses can be taken completely asynchronously


Program Course Guide Sheet for Academic Year 2024–2025

Religious Texts 2
Introduction to Religious Texts
One 2000-level Religious Texts course
Theology and Religion 2
Invitation to Theology: Truth, Goodness, and Beauty
Choose one:
History of Christian Theologies
History of Modern Theologies
Theology for Social Transformation
Ethics and Justice 2
Choose one:
Christian Ethics
Comparative Religious Ethics
Choose one:
Queer and Trans Theologies
Black and Womanist Theologies
Academic Contextualization 5 Eco-Theologies and Eco-Spiritualities
Eco-Justice and Ethics
Applied Issues in Eco-Justice
Two elective courses
Academic Skills 1 MA Thesis


Learn More

Want to learn more about our MA in Eco-Justice or dual degree option? Fill out the form below and someone from our Admissions team will be in touch soon.