
Hawkinson Fund for Peace and Justice

Instituted in memory of Rev. Vincent Hawkinson (1915–2001), an outspoken opponent of the Vietnam War and pastor of Grace University Lutheran Church (1955–85), the Hawkinson Fund for Peace and Justice offers scholarships to students who demonstrate a commitment to peace and justice. Each year, the Hawkinson Fund also offers an honorary award to individuals who have made significant and sustained contributions to peace and justice. 

The Vincent L. Hawkinson Foundation was created in 1988 and received broad public support from hundreds of individuals. In 2017, the Foundation became known as the Hawkinson Fund for Peace and Justice at Grace University Lutheran Church. Starting in 2025, the fund will transition to the Leadership Center for Social Justice at United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities. We are deeply grateful for the diligent work of those who have kept Rev. Vince Hawkinson’s spirit alive through the Hawkinson Fund.

As the Hawkinson Fund and its work move forward, we will be sharing exciting updates in the coming months—stay tuned! In the meantime, the Hawkinson Fund will continue to offer scholarships for peace and justice. You can learn more about the application process below.

A photo of the Minneapolis skyline reflected on the Mississippi River.


Interested in Applying?

The Hawkinson Fund offers three to five scholarships each year, ranging from $2,500–$5,000. The Hawkinson Scholarship supports individuals who have demonstrated a deep commitment to advancing peace and social justice through justice-oriented projects, standing up for their convictions, or displaying ongoing leadership within a peace or justice organization. Ideal candidates will have served as role models, inspiring others to engage in meaningful actions that move society toward a more just and peaceful future.

Please read through the following eligibility requirements before applying:

  1. Applicant must be a resident of (or currently attending school in) Minnesota.
  2. Applicants must have received a high school diploma or GED before the due date of this application. (In other words, the 2025 scholarship is NOT available to current high school students. If interested, please consider applying in a future year!)
  3. Scholarship finalists must be available for an interview.
  4. Scholarship awards will be announced on or before June 30. Scholarships are awarded without regard to religious affiliation or citizenship.

To apply for this scholarship, you must include a nomination letter from a mentor and complete an essay demonstrating your commitment to peace and social justice. In this essay, include the following as they apply to you:

  1. Completed a specific peace or social justice project
  2. Demonstrated courage in carrying out your convictions about peace and social justice
  3. Displayed ongoing commitment to, and leadership in, a peace or justice organization
  4. Served as a role model for others to move society into new realms of thought and practice regarding peace and social justice

Applications are due March 17, 2025. If you have any questions about the 2025 Scholarship Application, please send an email to hawkinson@unitedseminary.edu.

Apply >

If you would like to download, fill out, and/or submit an application via email or mail, click here. >


How to Donate

Looking to contribute to the Hawkinson Fund? You can make your gift online with a credit or debit card! Just select “Hawkinson Fund” from the dropdown menu in the form.

Give to the Hawkinson Fund Here >

You can also send a check. Make the check out to United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities with “Hawkinson Fund” in the memo line. You can then mail to United:

United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities
Attn: Advancement
767 Eustis Street, Suite 140
Saint Paul, MN 55114

Thank you for your generous contribution to the Hawkinson Fund. You make this work possible!

The Fund's History

For more than 30 years, Vincent L. Hawkinson was the pastor of Grace University Lutheran Church in Minneapolis. Rev. Hawkinson believed it was the duty of religious leaders to stand up and speak out against injustices and violence in the world. Upon his retirement in 1988, members of his congregation founded the Vincent L. Hawkinson Foundation to continue the spirit of this tireless advocate for justice. 

The Foundation’s primary activities were to present honorary awards to community leaders and scholarships to students to promote peace and justice.

Beginning in 1988, the Foundation recognized the achievements of 47 community leaders and awarded more than $300,000 in scholarships to 138 students in recognition of their deep commitments to peace and justice.

In 2017, the Vincent L. Hawkinson Foundation discontinued operations and donated its assets to Grace University Lutheran Church with the understanding that Grace Church would continue the Foundation’s mission to inspire bold action for justice in honor of Vince Hawkinson. Renamed the Hawkinson Fund for Peace and Justice, this volunteer-run organization was housed at Grace Church until January 2025.

Bringing the Fund to the LCSJ >