Celebrating Our Generous Contributors
Our valued donor partners—who have given in significant and consistent ways, over a lifetime or in the form of a legacy—are acknowledged through recognition programs. To request more information, please contact Rev. Dr. Cindi Beth Johnson at 651.255.6137.

The President's Circle
The President’s Circle of the Joshua Society honors the highest level of giving to the United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities. This distinction is for those who have given more than one million dollars to the seminary. These donors have sustained the school through their generosity and have helped shape its horizon of flourishing.

Joshua Society
Joshua Society members are special friends and alums who have given cumulative gifts of $50,000 or more. Members are recognized at an annual luncheon, where new members receive a cast bronze, quarter-size replica of Herman Schwagereit’s “Joshua” sculpture. The original “Joshua” was presented to United in 1966 in memory of Karl J. Ernst, professor of Hebrew and exegetical theology (1926–1954) at Mission House Seminary, a forerunner of United. Joshua members will always be honored for the lasting impact their gifts had on the seminary.

Bossard-Ward Society
The Bossard-Ward Society honors alums whose cumulative giving in all categories totaling $10,000 or more. This alum society commemorates two men who were instrumental in founding the seminaries that later merged to create United: Jakob Bossard—a founder, faculty member, and president of Mission House Seminary from 1875 to 1885—and Joseph Ward, a Congregational pastor who founded Yankton College which housed Yankton School of Theology. New Bossard-Ward recipients are honored each spring during United Days.

Barnabas Society
The Barnabas Heritage Society honors and recognizes individuals who have included United in their estate plans or made other qualifying gift arrangements, such as income-return gifts and beneficiary designations, that express their philanthropic values while providing long-term stability for United’s vital mission. To leave a lasting legacy, please fill out the form here.

Leadership Society
The Leadership Society honors friends whose cumulative giving in all categories totals $10,000 or more. These transformational gifts reflect their commitment to United’s work in congregational ministry, theology and the arts, social justice, and interreligious engagement in the classroom and the community. We honor and thank them for their generosity. We are grateful for their faithful commitment to the ongoing work of United as members of the Leadership Society.

Lydia Society
The Lydia Society recognizes friends and alums of United who, as recurring donors, give a minimum monthly gift of $50. Much like Lydia—a first century business entrepreneur, church planter, and chief philanthropist of the Philippian congregation—recurring donors provide ongoing sustaining gifts that support United in living out its mission to educate leaders for transformation.

Your support matters.
There are many ways to give—online or by other means, one time or as a sustaining donor, and immediately or in the future.