Tamara Gray
Dr. Tamara Gray is an Islamic scholar and educator. She has authored two books: Joy Jots: Exercises for a Happy Heart & Project Lina: Bringing Our Whole Selves to Islam and co-translated the Mukhtasir al-Jami’ fi al-Sīra al-Nabawiyya by Samīra Zayid [Compendium of the Collection of Sources on al-Sīra al-Nabawiyya] as well as numerous articles.
She serves as Executive director and faculty for Rabata Inc, faculty and academic council member for The Islamic Seminary of America, and is a Senior Fellow at the Yaqeen Institute. She also sits on the Fiqh council of North America – working on religious legal questions, the NoUsury board – giving small no-interest loans to those who are in need, and the Collegeville Institute’s Inter-religious Fellows Program – working to develop educational programming for faith leaders around social justice issues.
Ed.D. Leadership, Policy and Administration, University of St. Thomas
M.Ed. Curriculum Theory and Instruction, Temple University
B.A. Political Science and Elementary Education, Macalester College