Sarah Cledwyn
Sarah Cledwyn is a spiritual director, spiritual direction supervisor, energy healer and a leader of retreats and workshops. Sarah has worked in many institutions of higher learning and spirituality centers fostering formation and transformation. Sarah has also been in private practice offering one on one spiritual direction, energy healing and supervision sessions since 2012. Sarah is a mystic and is drawn to the mystics in the world’s major traditions. Holding a BA in Religion and a Master of Arts in Theology, Sarah supplements her education and learning with embodied spiritual practices including walking/labyrinth, dreaming, biospiritual focusing and cooking. Sarah has been a member of congregations including Christian/Lutheran, Quaker, Unitarian Universalist and gatherings of Sufi practitioners.
B.A. Religious Studies, St. Olaf College
M.A. Theology, St. Catherine University
Website: www.sarahcledwyn.com