Rachael Keefe
Rev. Dr. Rachael Keefe is an author and a pastor, and is working toward becoming a spiritual director. She has been a church pastor, a youth chaplain, a new church gathering pastor, a pastoral psychotherapist, and a psychiatric chaplain during the years since her ordination by the United Church of Christ in 1992. She served on the UCC Mental Health Network for 11 years, four as the Vice Chair. She’s written four books. The most recent of which is The Lifesaving Church: Faith Communities and Suicide Prevention. Rachael is a sought-after conference speaker on the subject of mental health and congregations, particularly suicide prevention. Her other books are a series of theological poetry. Rachael is also an artist and enjoys painting as well as using her gifts to enhance her ministry. She currently lives in West St Paul with her spouse, her dog, and her cat, and serves as pastor of Living Table UCC in South Minneapolis.
D.Min. Theology and the Arts, Andover Newton Seminary at Yale Divinity School
Th.M. Practical Theology, Princeton Theological Seminary
M.Div. Practical Theology, Princeton Theological Seminary
B.A. Psychology/Religion, Muhlenberg College