David Hottinger
Rev. David Hottinger is the system-level Director of Spiritual Care for Allina Health System based in Minneapolis. Before coming to Allina, David served as the Director of Spiritual Care for Presbyterian Healthcare Services in Albuquerque and Hennepin Healthcare (a Level One Trauma Center and Minneapolis’ safety net hospital).
During his years at Hennepin Healthcare, David co-led an initiative to help the organization become a trauma-responsive care system and helped begin the first hospital-based Violence Intervention program in the Upper Midwest. David has served in hospital, mental health, and hospice settings in Minnesota, South Carolina, and Massachusetts. As a Family Support Coordinator with LifeSource, David supported the loved ones of patients going through the organ donation process in Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota.
A native of Marion, Ohio, David received his B.A. from Oberlin College and M.Div from Harvard Divinity School. He was a Raoul Wallenberg Fellow in Humanitarian Leadership at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and served as the Special Assistant to the Jerusalem Director of the Lutheran World Federation/Department of World Service which runs refugee operations in East Jerusalem and the West Bank. He was also the Assistant to the Attorney General of the State of Ohio.
David speaks, writes and trains widely about Trauma Informed Care. Recent venues include the Minneapolis Department of Health, the Association of Professional Chaplains, the Spiritual Care Association, and the United States Department of Health and Human Services. He is ordained by the Minnesota Conference of the United Church of Christ and is an Oblate of St. Benedict at St. Paul’s Monastery.
B.A., Oberlin College
M.Div., Harvard Divinity School
Fellow, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem