Crystal Silva-McCormick
Crystal Silva-McCormick is a doctoral candidate at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago in the area of Global Christianities.
Crystal is a dissertation scholar through the Hispanic Theological Initiative (HTI). Her work has been largely focused on the history of Muslim-Christian relations and currently, her dissertation work explores expressions of Christian Zionism in Latin America and among Latine Protestants. Crystal is an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ and has served on the board of the Parliament of the World’s Religions and serves as part of the immigration collaborative of the United Church of Christ. Her academic research is informed by her commitment to interfaith relationships, the rights of immigrants, and the Latine community. Crystal was born and raised in El Paso, Texas. Her mother, grandmother, aunts, and uncles immigrated to the United States from Mexico and it is their stories along with being raised on the border that has shaped her spiritual and personal identity as a scholar and minister. She resides in Texas with her partner and children.
Ph.D. World Christianity and Mission, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago (ABD—Graduation May 2022)
Th.M. History of Christian-Muslim Relations, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
M.Div., Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary
B.A. Missiology, Lubbock Christian University