The Enneagram: An Invitation to Explore with Ahshua Bolton
February 25 at 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm CST
The Enneagram, long established as a useful and transformative tool for understanding self and others, offers a lifetime of discovery. Uniquely organized into Nine Personality Types, the Enneagram promotes three principles.
The first Enneagram principle is to understand ourselves, by Personality Type, as divine beings. By studying and employing The Enneagram of Personality—along with personal inner work—we learn to recognize our brilliance and our shadows. The invitation is to integrate both of these wonderful aspects of our essential selves.
The second principle is to understand others by their personality traits, characteristics, and behaviors as we learn about all Nine Personality Types. Understanding the brilliance and shadows of all Nine Personality Types—realizing we are all more alike than different—promotes compassion for each other.
The third principle is to use the understanding we gain to improve how we interface with others in the world by compassionately seeking harmony and learning methods by which we can reasonably discuss discord when it arises. The Enneagram is a tool that facilitates this universal journey. While we journey, we are constantly informed more about ourselves.
Used in self-care and self-knowledge, interpersonal relationships, pastoral care, businesses, not-for-profit organizations, prisons, churches, and many more areas of life, The Enneagram constantly facilitates depth, understanding, and love for our neighbor.
This session will be led by Ahshua Bolton, MBA, CPA, who has been a student of The Enneagram since 1992. He has since taught countless Enneagram workshops and classes, facilitated small groups of learning and group activities, both secular and in faith communities, and taught in prisons around the country, including San Quentin in the Bay Area of California. Ahshua obtained his certifications to teach and coach The Enneagram from Enneagram Studies in the Narrative Tradition in Menlo Park, California (now The Narrative Enneagram in Boulder, Colorado). Using the Enneagram, his passion lies in sharing the positive impact self-knowledge and self-understanding can have on people’s lives.
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