
Drugs and Alcohol: Policy, Education, and Treatment

Drug Policy

To comply with federal regulations (34 CFR 86.100 (a)(1)), United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities is undertaking the following steps: 

Distribution to all students and employees of a statement on Standards of Conduct regarding the use of drugs while at United or as a part of an officially sponsored group of United in a setting other than United. The Standards of Conduct are as follows: 

  • No one is allowed to have in their possession illegal drugs while on campus or as a part of an officially sanctioned United group off campus; 
  • No one is allowed to sell, buy, or exchange illegal drugs while on seminary property or as a part of an officially sanctioned United group off campus. 
  • No one is allowed to use illegal drugs while on seminary property or as a part of an officially sanctioned United group off campus. 

Anyone violating these standards will be subject to: 

  • Notification of violation to legal authorities in accordance with the law; 
  • Notification of violation to the president, or other executive officers of the seminary in the president’s absence, for appropriate action or referral to established committees for appropriate action. Such action may require mandatory participation in a drug-abuse program; suspension from employment or student standing; or termination of employment or student standing (as consistent with local, state and federal law). 

All employees will be required to notify the seminary of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five days after such conviction. Failure to do so will jeopardize employment. Reporting of such action will lead to the application of one of the above actions being enforced. 

Distribution to all students and employees of a statement on the danger posed to health and community life by drug and alcohol abuse. 

Distribution of a document confirming that the statements set forth above are required by federal law and subject to penalties set forth by the law. Included in this statement is a summary of Federal Trafficking Penalties and state and local penalties where applicable. 

These three statements will be sections of a single Memorandum on Drugs and Drug Abuse and will be distributed to all students and employees of the institution and made available in a public place in the seminary building for all to see. There will also be a statement in the catalog of the seminary noting our compliance with this regulation.

Alcohol and Drug Abuse Education and Treatment

United takes alcohol and drug abuse seriously.  As a graduate educational institution, we place a great deal of responsibility on students who are of legal age to make the decision whether or not to consume alcohol and if they choose to consume alcohol, to do so responsibly.  As part of United’s drug and alcohol education and abuse prevention efforts, we maintain relationships with a number of drug and alcohol treatment centers in the region.

If you are struggling with alcohol or drug abuse or addiction, we encourage you to make an appointment to meet with United’s Chaplain Nikki Frontz (nfrontz@unitedseminary.edu, 612-286-0236) and to contact the national and/or local drug and alcohol resources listed below.

National Drug & Alcohol Treatment Hotline

Alcoholics Anonymous Hotline

Al-Anon Hotline

Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation